ELENA KILINA (Novosibirsk, Russia)
E-mail: lena.kilina@gmail.com.jpg)
Short CV:
Year of birth: 1986
School: Novosibirsk State University
Interested especially in:
I’m interested of photography art because this is real oppotunity to express own ideas and thoughts in more proper and real way.Visual interpretation of your thoughts is the one of the important side of this field of art. So, I’d say that first of all I prefer to shoot documental events in ordinary life. Also faces of different people are really apt within photography. And if I take part in this Summer Camp I’d like to try combine documental and stage shooting.
I would like to come to Ravazd Summer Camp because it is the great oppotunity to realize my ideas about photography having excellent chance to study with professional photographers. I think this kind of format of photo-workshop is effective idea in the field of teaching.
Also based on my experiance of participation in Mediawave’08 in April I have strong conviction that Sumeer camp is really good place to perform important and interesting projects.
Topic, worksplans:
’My sweet village” is the very feasible topic for black and white of old times photography where village atmosphere can be fully realized. Also this idea must reflect an atitude to ’’sweet village”, like small details of decoration of village are the most attractive material for photos. I’d like to realize this topic with native people of this village because most of all persons are the main characters and reasons for all places. And I’d make pictures some random things which belong to some village inhabitants’ houses.
Photo Selection for the Closing Screening
MEDIAWAVE International Summer Art Camp closed with a screening the last day. For this ocassion every participant had selected his/her best 20 photos taken during PASSPORT CONTROL 7. After the screening the audience (made up of the camp participants, teachers – photographers, filmmakers, musicians and architects as well, other guests of the festival together with citizens of Ravazd) vote for the best photographers.
Special photo selection starring the Dwarf from Ravazd
Atmosphere and Spirit of Camp
Hello, dear Mediawave!!
First of all thank you to all organizators for summer camp in Ravazd, it was great time to be there and I got really useful experiance in that village!
I think this is nice idea to create own page for all paticipants to show their pictures. I would like to sent there photos from camp, which reflect the atmosphere and spirit of those days in village. If you consider them as well I will select more)
thanks again.
Look forward for your answer
Sincerely, Elena Kilina
Reflect warm and working atmosphere
Hello,dear Mediawave again!!
I selected a bit more photos, which reflect warm and working atmosphere in village Ravazd, so I hope you will consider them as not so bad)
Sincerely, Elena Kilina
2024-03-12 22:12
Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!