German - Hungarian Visual Bigtet /GER/HUN/
The project is realized with the help of „BIPOLAR German-Hungarian Cultural Co-operation" program and National Cultural Fund.
MEDIAWAVE International Visual Art Foundation (Győr, Hungary)
STADTGARDEN Initiative Kölner Jazz Hause (Köln, Németország / Cologne, Germany)
The realization of HunD Link Project was led by two significant musicians in every country with the participation of young talented musicians in four steps.
Genre: jazz - improvised music and visual art
Music leaders:
GRENCSÓ, István – saxophone,
Matthias MUCHE – trombone
Visual art leaders:
TÓTH, Viktor – alt saxophone,
KÉZDY, Luca – violin,
Philip ZOUBEK - piano,
Marion WÖRLE - laptop,
HOCK, Ernő – acoustic bass,
G. STABÓ, Hunor – drums,
SZABÓ, Péter - photographer, visual artist,
Michael THIES - visual artist
HunD Link Project is a virtual performance, which is realized at two different places - in Cologne and Győr – but in the same time. In course of the project is shown the vision of the German and Hungarian contemporary artists about the future through their music and the visual arts. The common language of the participant musicians is the improvisation, which, in this case, is not only the „free stream of the spirit”, but the artistic form language of „caring about each other”, and „cultural tolerance”, the means of cooperation based on different cultural roots.
The closing performance of the HunD Link Project is realized simultaneously in Győr and Cologne. With live streaming, the production running in two different cities becomes an interactive work of art and the audience of the two cities form together a virtual community and they gain a unique experience. The performance is realized by the professional control of two acknowledged figures of the two art fields from each country and with the participation of talented Hungarian and German artists.
Steps, scenes, shows during the realization of the project:
8-11, August, 2006 - Ravazd
The Hungarian part of the band was formed for the first time during Bakonyala Festival and the MEDIAWAVE International Film, Photo and Misic Camp, and they were working hard on realizing the music and the visual elements of the concept using out the seemingly inspirating atmosphere of the summer art camp. Since our German partners couldn't come, a Slovenian band helped our Hungarian musicians.
A few atmosphere pictures from the rehearsals:
REHEARSALS IN RAVAZD (photo: Szabó Péter)
27-28, November, 2006 - Cologne – STADTGARDEN Initiative Kölner Jazz Hause
In Cologne the Hungarian and the German participants were intorduced to each other, then they went on realizing music and visual forms prepared formerly among themselves on e-mails, finally the two-day long workshop ended in a concert held in the Kölner Jazz House.

THE FIRST PERFORMANCE (photo: Szabó Péter)
22-24, February, 2007 - Győr - Rómer House
public rehearsal:
(Rómer House-Győr Archives, 24, February 8.00pm)
The band formed tow bands out of itself: one of them was conducted by GRENCSÓ, István (music) and Sven HANNE (vision) in the cellar of the Archives, Győr, which used to be the prison of the town in teh Middle Ages, thus it provided an inspirating scene for the rehearsals and for the performance as well. This scene became the constant scene of the performances in Győr.
Members of this band were:
KÉZDY, Luca - violin
G. SZABÓ, Hunor - drum
Marion WÖRLE - laptop
SZABÓ, Péter - photographer, visual artist
The other part of the band was led by Matthias MUCHE (music) and SZILÁGYI, Kornél (visual) in Rómer House Underground Club.
Members of this band were:
TÓTH, Viktor - saxophone
HOCK, Ernő - doublebass
Philip ZOUBEK - piano
Michael THIES - visual artist
During the realization of the project's ideas, we had to face and struggle several technical problems which appeared in the cellar mainly since the complexity of the technical apparate the project needed (Internet connection, computers, projectors, image- and sound-mixers, etc.)
Thanks indeed for the help of:
WICHTORA, Gábor - Internet connection
EGRI, József - Internet connection
TÓTH, Péter - sound technics sound recording
JÖRG, Tibor - sound technics
HOLZHAMMER, Balázs - sound technics
TÓTH, László - picture/image
SZEPESI, Gábor - director of cinematography
CSOBOD, Judit - cinematographer
BALOGH, János - cinematographer
DANCS, István - cinematographer
CSÓKA, Miklós - cinematographer
SZEREDI, Csaba - 16 mm projector & visual concept

The public rehearsal was an experience like the first steps on the Moon. It resulted in the enthusiasm of both the performers and the audience, since the musicians made use of the belatedness of the pictures, they started to play with it and built it in the concept of their play. Meanwhile Csaba Szegedi was screening his pictures on the walls of the prison and film rolls. Although it was his own, independent performance, it joined to ours harmonically.
29-30, April, 2007 - Győr and Cologne
public performance: Győr – MEDIAWAVE Festival and Cologne – MUSIK TRIENNALE
29, April, 2007 9.00pm.
In spite of the distance between the two scenes of the performance, everything worked. The Internet provided us to transfer the sound and the picture. In our verbal introduction we invited our audience to a spiritual space travel evoking the atmosphere of the rehearsal. Our vision became reality. We have experienced in real life that co-operation between two art groups even thousands of kilometres far away from each other is possible by using the great invention of our age, the Internet, making free the spread of spirit. And this is only the beginnig, since technics has been developing, making a progress so fast, thus we are thinking of continuing the project. Our aim is to widen the co-operation to artists, musicians from other countries as well.
Thank you all who participated in the realization of the project.
Thank indeed our sponsors BIPOLAR and NKA for their help.
Hungarian project coordinator:
Hungarian project assistant:
NAGY "Bigi", Ildikó
CSETE, Orsolya
Stage master:
Hungarian financial administrator:
SZABÓ, Péter