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ARCHIVE - Passport Control 1-41 - MEDIAWAVE Art Workshops :: PASSPORT CONTROL 6 - Palic (Serbia), 2008 :: PASSPORT CONTROL 6 - Entry

Photo: Molnár Edvárd


Entry photos, click here! 


„PASSPORT CONTROL” International Film and Photo Workshop was organized in 2006 in MEDIAWAVE Festival for the first time. In the autumn, 2007 the 3rd and 4th edition of the workshop were realized in Novosibirsk with the support of "MEETINGS IN SIBERIA" International Documentary Film Festival (Passport Control 3), and then in Kars, East-Turkey within the framework of "FESTIVAL ON WHEELS" 13th Festival of European Films, Kars voltak.
PASSPORT CONTROL 6th will be realized in co-operation with ETNOFEST (Subotica), mainly with Serbian and Hungarian participants.
The most important aim of the programme is to let young artists from the neighbouring countries get to know each other and each other's cultures, living circumstances, and everything which can inlfuence the process of creating their works. We find this task essential because unfortunately in fact we know each other, each other's cultural background based on their history and each other's way of thinking. One of the best ways to get to know each other is co-operation with each other.
Participants of the workshop will do creative works in practice in mixed teams. The specific goal is to make films (film etudes) and take photos, which can be shown at the end of the workshop to the audience of ETNOFEST, and also published on the webpages of the two partners. The premises of the programme – films and photos – can be watched on the webpage of MEDIAWAVE.

Međunarodna radionica za fotografiju i dokumentarni film PASSPORT CONTROL je pokrenuta 2006.godine u okviru MEDIAWAVE Festivala. U jesen 2007. projekat je dobio poziv u Novosibirsk („MEETING IN SIBERIA” International Documentary Film festival), zatim i u istočnu Tursku ("FESTIVAL ON WHEELS" 13th Festival of European Films). ©esti serijal projekta PASSPORT CONTROL će se odrľati na Paliću, u zajedničkoj produkciji MEDIAWAVE festivala i ETNOFEST-a, prevenstveno uz učeąće mladih stvalaca iz Srbije i Mađarske.

Jedan od osnovnih ciljeva projekta je da mladi stvaraoci iz susednih drľava, bolje upoznaju kuturu jednih i drugih, način ľivota i sve ono ąto utiče na proces umetničkog stvaranja. Iako nam se istorije prepliću vekovima, i dalje vrlo malo znamo jedni o drugima. Rad na zajedničkim projektima moľe da bude samo inspirativan i edukativan.
Praktičan rad će se odvijati u meąovitim grupama. Konkretan cilj projekta je snimanje dokumentarnih kratkih formi i pripremanje serijala fotografija, koje će se po zavrąetku radionica prikazati festivalskoj publici, kao i objaviti na web stranicama oba festivala. Rezultati predhodnih radionica se mogu videti na portalu Mediawave festivala:

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2024-03-12 22:12

Passport Controll'24 - Workshops and Application

Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!